March 2

Chad of Lichfield

Bishop, 672

art by Rev. Kirsten Kohr of UHRICHSVILLE, OHIO 

Heavenly Father, whose son our Lord Jesus Christ took the form of a servant for the sake of his brothers and sisters: Strengthen us with the prayers and example of your servant Chad, who became the least of all to minister to all; through the same Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns, with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Chad was born in Northern England around 634, one of four brothers dedicated to service in the church. Chad was trained by Aidan of Lindisfarne as a follower of the Celtic tradition in ritual. His elder brother Cedd had built a monastery at Lastingham, where he governed as abbot. At his death, Cedd left the abbacy to Chad. According to Bede, Chad was “a holy man, modest in his ways, learned in the Scriptures. and zealous in carrying out their teaching.”

Impressed by Chad's qualities, the king appointed him Bishop of York. Chad was ordained by “bishops of the British race who had not been canonically ordained,” Bede tells us. Chad was, Bede also notes, "a man who kept the church in truth and purity, humility, and temperance." Following apostolic example, he traveled about his diocese on foot.

The new Archbishop of Canterbury, Theodore, arrived in England four years after Chad's ordination as bishop. Theodore made it clear that Chad's ordination had been irregular, that is, not according to Roman custom, and Chad humbly offered to resign from office. "Indeed, I never believed myself worthy of it," he said.

Theodore, impressed by such humility, re-ordained him, and appointed him Bishop of Mercia and Northumbria. Chad continued his custom of traveling on foot until Theodore ordered him to ride, at least on longer journeys. When Chad hesitated, the Archbishop is said to have lifted him bodily onto the horse, "determined to compel him to ride when the need arose."

Chad administered his new diocese with devout concern. He built a monastery, and established monasticism at Barrow. In his see city of Lichfield, where he had an official dwelling, he preferred to read and meditate in a small house he had built nearby.

Two and a half years after his re-ordination, plague broke out, killing many residents of the diocese including Chad himself, whose death Bede describes thus: "He joyfully beheld ... the day of the Lord, whose coming he had always anxiously awaited. He was mindful to his end of all that the Lord did." He died on March 2, 672, and was buried at the Cathedral Church of St. Peter in Lichfield.

Excerpted directly from “Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2022,” p. 122-123.

Lessons and Psalm

Leviticus 10:1-3
Psalm 84
Luke 14:1-14

Preface of a Saint (2)