February 3
Bishop and Missionary, 865
art by Rev. Kirsten Kohr of Uhrichsville, Ohio
Keep your church from discouragement in the day of small things, O God, in the knowledge that when you have begun a good work, you will bring it to a fruitful conclusion, just as you did for your servant Anskar; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Anskar was one of those valiant Christians of whom it might be said, "These shall plant the seed, but others shall reap the harvest." As Archbishop of Hamburg, he was papal legate for missionary work among the Scandinavians. The immediate result of his devoted and perilous labors was minimal: two churches established on the border of Denmark and one priest settled in Sweden. He also participated in the consecration of Gotbert, first bishop in Sweden. Nevertheless, it was the seed from which a fruitful mission would later grow.
Anskar was born in the Somme region of France in 801, and educated in the outstanding monastic school in nearby Corbie Abbey. His teaching skill led him to be chosen to be sent out by Corbie as master of a new monastery school in Saxon Germany. His strongest call, however, was to be a missionary.
He was stirred, his biographer Rimbert says, by a prolonged vision, in which a voice said, "Go and return to me crowned with martyrdom." When King Harald of Denmark sought missionaries for that country in 826, Anskar was one of those selected. Rimbert notes that Anskar's missionary purpose caused astonishment. Why should he wish to leave his brothers to deal with "unknown and barbarous folk?" Some of the brethren tried to deter him; others mocked him.
Steadfast in his resolve, Anskar established a school and mission in Denmark, working conscientiously but unsuccessfully to convert and evangelize. He was not totally discouraged. Another vision appeared, with a voice saying, "Go and declare the work of God to the nations." Shortly afterward, about 829, he was called to Sweden and eagerly accepted the invitation. Yet meager aid both from the monastery and the emperor frustrated his efforts.
While still a young man, Anskar was consecrated as Archbishop of Hamburg in 831. He continued his work among the Scandinavians until 848, when he retired to the See of Bremen and died in 865.
The seeds of his efforts were not to bear fruit until over one hundred years later, when Viking devastation, weakness in the Frankish Church, and the lowest ebb of missionary enthusiasm came to an end. The rich harvest of conversion was three generations away. Nevertheless, Anskar is now looked upon by Scandinavians as their apostle.
Excerpted directly from “Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2022,” p. 71-72.
Lessons and Psalm
Genesis 11:1-9
Psalm 96:1-7
Mark 6:7-13
Preface of Apostles and Ordinations